Finnish ITE art
ITE Art website
A comprehensive website presenting Finnish contemporary folk art, ITE Art.
Facebook page “ITE-taide”
Actual news and links of ITE Art and reviews of international contemporary folk art.
The Parikkala Sculpture Park
The website of the Sculpture Park in Parikkala, close to the Russian border in Finland. This amazing art environment was built by self-taught artist Veijo Rönkkönen (1944–2010).
ITE Art Archives
Database “Collecte”
The database contains information about the ITE Art collection and documented photographs. Usernames in the database are given to researchers, curators and museums, for example. is a nationwide broad search service with a unique view of ITE art. Take a look to the page in English.

Outsider Art
Raw Vision
The most important international magazine of outsider art, art brut and contemporary folk art.
European Outsider Art Association (EOA)
An umbrella organisation for cultural workers devoted to the promotion of marginalised art in Europe.
Outsider Art Environments
Outsider Environments Europe
A webblog by Henk van Es about outsider art environments in Europe.
Outsider Art Environments Europe FB
Facebook page sharing reviews on outsider art environments, edited by Henk van Es.
SPACES Archives
International archive, website and database on outsider art environments, maintained by the Kohler Foundation.
Construttori di Babele
Outsider art environments in Italy.
Contact us
Do you need background information about ITE art, artists, art environments, surveys, collections, publications, international networks or the 20 years of ITE activities? Would you like to collaborate with us? At the Association for Rural Culture and Education, ITE art content is directed by Helka Ketonen, the Director for Cultural Affairs and coordinated by Raija Kallioinen, the Coordinator for Cultural Affairs.

Helka Ketonen
Director for Cultural Affairs
+358 403 577 662 Lue lisää henkilöstä