Joona Hamm

Kaavi (1983)

Joona Hamm, aka Don Hammart or Löpöpunkki, lives in Kaavi with his family and is interested in the oxidation of iron atoms by water and oxygen, i.e. rusting. Rusty cars found in the forest are among his favourite sources of artistic inspiration. Hamm has, indeed, been called a “rust artist”, but he also creates works of art from stainless steel, wood and stone.  

Hamm also paints and draws. He has made decorative paintings, mainly pinstriping, on customised cars and motorcycles. He calls his works “löpöpunk” (‘fuel oil punk’), which he says is a kind of folksy equivalent to the artistic expression of steampunk or dieselpunk. Many of Hamm’s works show his ambition to combine feminine forms with a variety of imaginative machines and engines. When he has time, Hamm takes on commissioned work, such as pinstriping. 

Hamm and his wife are renovating the old village school in Kortteinen, Kaavi. They have clear visions for the future of the building, specifically related to visual and community arts. The building also has a large courtyard area, a space big enough for a sculpture park, for example. 

Text and photos: Jari Ruotsalainen Translation: Kirsti Nurmela-Knox

ITE Art surveys / Northern Savonia 2020–2022

From the series of the Forest Cars by Löpöpunkki, Joona Hamm.