Marko Ruuskanen’s bird houses

Eastern Finland, Savonia, Whenever, Public sculpture group

Marko Ruuskanen, a gravedigger, started decorating the graveyards in Kirkkoniemi and Talvisalo with his artistic bird houses more than twenty years ago. Since then, hundreds of art bird houses have appeared across the Savonlinna area.

There is also an impressive row of ‘lovebird houses’ along the linden alley at the Punkaharju station’s art platform.

Read the artist’s bio on our website.

Erja Eliala’s blog about the artist (in Finnish).

Images: Sampo Luukkainen / ITE art surveys, ITE in South-East (2011-2014), MSL and Erja Eliala

ADDRESS Savonlinna city, Talvisalo and Kirkkoniemi graveyards. Art platform also at the Punkaharju station, Finlandiantie 58.
OPEN 24/7
MORE INFORMATION Savonlinna guides organise guided tours of the bird houses by appointment.

Photo: Sampo Luukkonen
Photo: Erja Eliala
Photo: Erja Eliala
Photo: Erja Eliala