Anna Penttilä´s Nukkavierumetsä
Nukkavierumetsä (1991, Haapavesi) by Anna Penttilä, literally “shabby forest” is an ITE-art park built next to little cottage, where local artist association is helding summer exhibitions in Kirkkonummi, Finland.
Penttilä, who has not received any training in making art, realised her work at the recycling centre turned out to be an endless source of materials and ideas for works. Broken or abandoded toys, home appliances and poems and thoughts written by children have turned into sculpture and art path in the woods, characterized by Penttilä´s straightforward approach to existence and the structures and plays of our society. It is a fascinating experience of ugliness and beauty, love, care and hatred to protect it.
Penttilä has extended her art to digital backyard, social media, and has built accounts full of personal images and stories. Also Nukkavierumetsä, ersonic, anarchist and magnificent strip of forest next to the Art Cottage rented by the Kirkkonummi Artists’ Association, can be visited at any time.
ADDRESS Pappilantie 1b, Kirkkonummi
OPEN Whenever