Greger Grönholm

Karjaa (1970)

Greger Grönholm’s artistic passion was ignited on a farm in Snappertuna, Southern Finland. Grönholm was very asthmatic as a child and spent a lot of time alone in his room. He started drawing his own world for himself. Getting to know American underground comics and primitive art gave the images a new shape.

His current picture world is original and quite dark. In the pictures, horror vacui – the horror of the void – common in international outsider art prevails. There is no empty spot on the surface of the work, the entire picture area is covered by a network-like image spread.

The repetitive, self-winding rhythm is a characteristic of Grönholm’s art. He is also a musician and the energetic vocal soloist of the Loinen punk band that enjoys a cult reputation.

Text and images: Veli Granö

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