Anna WildRose’s Rose Gallery
Eastern Finland, Savonia, As agreed separately, During opening hours, Gallery, Summer exhibition
Anna WildRose’s art consists of collages, assemblages and installations that are almost exclusively made of recycled materials. Rose Gallery also offers workshops. The motto is ‘more is more’.
Images: Olli Lähdesmäki / ITE art surveys, ITE in North Savonia, MSL (2021-2022)
ADDRESS Kiesimäntie 100, Kerkonkoski, Rautalampi
OPEN July–12 September 2021, Wed–Fri 1 pm–7 pm, Sat-Sun 12 noon–4 pm or by appointment. Non-stop workshops on Wednesdays during the gallery opening hours from 1 pm until 7 pm or by appointment. Pre-registration. Fee for materials: adults EUR 30, children EUR 15.
For the opening times after summer 2021 please follow the website.
MORE INFORMATION Anna WildRose’s website, Facebook