Devil’s Workshop (Tao Tao Art Park) by Pekka Helenius
In the depths of the old barn building, in the middle of the Klaukkala forest in Nurmijärvi, you will find the Devil’s Workshop and Gallery. Over the past thirty years, the blacksmith’s workshop has produced countless works on forest fabric and as discoveries among moss and spruce trees in horseshoes, cutlery and scrap metal. The path also hides a life-long story of survival.
Over the years, the forest of Pekka Helenius and wife Anne Helenius has expanded into an art park, the path of which runs from the suburbs of hell and from the cliffs to the wonderful, wooded Eden of rolling streams and greenhouses.
ADDRESS Julmakalliotie 2, Klaukkala. At the intersection there are signs that say Julmakalliotie and Tao Tao Park.
CONTACT information Pekka Helenius, tel. 045 347 5826,
OPEN Pekka and Anne Helenius organise guided tours of the park for a small fee. Entrance to the park is free. Suitable for all ages.