Museum of Paranormal Technology
Museum of Paranormal Technology by Association of experimental electronics
Museum of Paranormal Technology is a project by KOELSE, the association of experimental electronics, to to bring back to life different obscure technological innovations and present an opportunity to experiment with these hands on.
Association of experimental electronics is a group of experimental electronics enthusiasts. They gather old consumer-electronics and transform it into sound producing devices. With these devices they play concerts, build installations out of them and teach how to build similar things. Koelses projects have been seen and heard around Europe on museums and galleries, but also wastelands and squats since 2002.
Museum is open from Wednesday to Saturday 16.00-19.00 until end of January 2024, and after that every other Saturday 16.00-19.00.
How to get to The Museum of Paranormal technology? Building is Nilsiänkatu 10, main entrance is marked with A. If doors is locked, there should be our sign next to it with telephone number. Call The number and wait for somebody to pick you up. If door is open, take the stairs to the fourth floor, turn left and go straight ahead till room 41030 on the left.
ADDRESS Nilsiänkatu 10A, Helsinki. 4th floor
OPEN January 2024 Wed-Sat 16-19 and after that every other Sat 16-19. The information on opening times will be updated on KOELSE´s Facebook.
LISÄTIETOA Homepage Exhibits | Paranormaalin tekniikan museo — Museum of Paranormal Technology ( KOELSE Facebook