Johannes Ivakko’s sculptures on Radiomäki hill

Häme, Southern Finland, During opening hours, Public sculpture group

Self-taught artist Johannes Ivakko’s delightful concrete sculptures, beautifully mossy, can be found in the courtyard of the Museum Mastola in Radiomäki, Lahti.

Johannes Ivakko was born in Salmi, Karelia, in 1914, and he settled in Lahti after being evacuated. Ivakko first made his life-size concrete sculptures of animals and human figures that depict life in Karelia in his garden in Myllypohja, Lahti, but they have since been moved to Radiomäki.

Images: Juho Haavisto / ITE art surveys, ITE in Häme (2019-2022), MSL and Veli Granö

ADDRESS Radiomäenkatu 37, Lahti
OPEN Museum opening hours (see the Museum Mastola website)
ADMISSION FEE You can explore the courtyard of the Radio and TV Museum Mastola free of charge

Photo: Veli Granö
Photo: Juho Haavisto
Photo: Juho Haavisto